Osprey brings charging to Cardiff.
Osprey Charging partner with Cardiff Council to install city centre rapid charging stations
We’re doubling the number of rapid chargepoints in the Cardiff area.
Mae’n bleser gennym gyhoeddi ein partneriaeth gyda Chyngor Caerdydd i osod 12 o orsafoedd gwefru ceir trydan ar lwybrau allweddol i ganol y ddinas, gan ddyblu nifer yr orsafoedd gwefru cyflym (50kW) yng Nghaerdydd! Rydym eisoes wedi cael caniatâd cynllunio ar gyfer dau orsaf ar Bute Crescent a dau ar Howard Place.
We’re delighted to announce our partnership with Cardiff Council to install 12 charging stations at key routes into the city centre, doubling the numbers of rapid EV chargers in Cardiff! We already have planning for two chargers on Bute Crescent and two on Howard Place.
Mae ein orsafoedd gwefru yn agored i bawb trwy daliad gyda cherdyn banc di-gyswllt arferol, ac nid oes angen cofrestru. Mae Osprey Charging yn gosod yr orsafoedd gwefru ac yn eu cynnal heb unrhyw gost i’r cyngor. I ddweud wrth eich cyngor chi am y cyfle hwn, sydd wedi’i ariannu’n llawn, lawrlwythwch lyfryn i’w hanfon yma.
Our chargepoints are open access to everyone, with payment by normal contactless bank card and no registration required. Osprey Charging covers all installation and maintenance of the chargers, at no cost to the council.
By welcoming private investment into the city from forward-thinking businesses like Osprey Charging – which installs, manages and maintains rapid charging points at no cost to the Council – we’re leading the charge when it comes to rolling out EV infrastructure, while generating additional revenue streams to invest back into vital services.
Michael Michael, Cabinet Member for Clean Streets, Recycling and Environment, Cardiff Council
Cleaner transport for cleaner air
Our rapid EV chargers will help Cardiff Council improve local air quality, meet climate targets and boost revenue. Public Health Wales estimates that 5% of all deaths can be attributed to air pollution in the Cardiff and Vale Health Board area, with thousands more suffering from long-term illnesses. Developing electric car infrastructure is a key focus of Cardiff Council’s recent Green Paper on transport and clean air in October.
The planned Osprey Charging charging stations are estimated to remove up to two tonnes of harmful NO2 from the city centre. They are all are also powered by 100% renewable energy.
Our national network of rapid chargers is greatly improving air quality across the UK. Cardiff Council is embracing the EV revolution and putting drivers at its heart by installing some of the most user-friendly rapid charging points available today.
Patrick Sherriff, Property Director, Osprey Charging
The council will monitor the 12 chargers closely over the next 3-6 months, with the potential for the scheme to be extended to more city locations with the support of local distribution network operator (DNO), Western Power Distribution (WPD).
Building a network together
With every partner or potential partner engagement we have long-term alliances in mind. We approach all our partners with the highest regard and commitment to a successful future, together.
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