Real review: Tesla Model 3 Performance

EV driver, Pritesh, shares his experience with the Tesla Model 3 Performance.

EV Review: Tesla Model 3 Performance.

Hi, I'm Pritesh, and I'm driving a Tesla Model 3 Performance. I grew to like it, now I love it. It really is the simplicity of the car, the minimalistic nature of it. The car practically drives itself, so there's very little input from me. If I were an inexperienced driver, I'd be able to drive this car fairly well.

I've had fairly fast cars historically. Although the driving feel isn't the same. The power, the response, the traction, more than makes up for all that. I do love the wheels. Although they are, kerb magnets, they are quite, well designed. They're known as the Uber Turbine Wheels. Quite a quirky name, but they do look really nice.

I've spent the best part of a good few hours between charges, driving both on motorways and twisty roads. Yeah, I mean, comfort is definitely there on the top with this car. Initially, when I first sat in the car, the seats felt rather spongy and almost like a sofa. On a typical sunny day, it feels like a fabulous place to be.

Very airy, very light, visibility is amazing, and in general, a nice place to be.

Tesla Model 3 Performance stock image.

How do you fit charging into your schedule?

In most cases, the vehicle tells me where I need to charge once I put my route in it. If I put my destination into the satnav, it will tell me if I need to charge anywhere along the way, and for how long as well. I plan my journeys with coffee stops, you know, work breaks. Whilst charging I'll probably lay my laptop out on the center armrest,

and reply to a few emails. It allows me to use my time more efficiently. And I find that Osprey chargers are located very conveniently in many locations that allow for those amenities.

Advice for someone considering the switch?

Jump onto the EV side. It's just a completely different experience. And believe me, you know, all those people that talk about "oh, I miss the sounds. I miss the gear changes" You won't miss any of that after a while. You'll just love the purr or the whine of that electric motor when you put your foot down.

How would you personify your Tesla Model 3 Performance?

I would say it's basically a wolf in sheep's clothing. It comes across as being a fairly normal everyday car, but it is a ferociously performing car.

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