Beyond the FUD: Embracing the Benefits of Electric Cars.

We dispel myths about electric vehicles and highlight their eco-friendly benefits. Explore the quick payback of their carbon debt, lower lifecycle energy use, and advancements in battery recyclability. Discover why switching to electric is essential for a cleaner, healthier future.

Tesla pulling into an Osprey Charging bay.

Get Ready to Celebrate Earth Day with Us! 🌱 Don't let the FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt) cloud your judgment about electric vehicles!

Here's some eco-friendly facts to convince you or a loved one that electric is the way forward

💨 Although EVs use a lot of energy to create the battery and create a carbon debt, Eoin Devane, a senior analyst for surface transport at the UK's Climate Change Committee said: “that ‘carbon debt’ is paid off within about two years of driving the vehicle.”

👣 The majority of fossil fuel cars’ carbon footprint comes from exhaust pipes constantly spewing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Transport & Environment (T&E), a campaign group, calculates that a new petrol car will produce about 27 tonnes if driven for 100,000 kilometres (62,000 miles), and 49 tonnes over 200,000km.

♻️ Electric cars, by contrast, use less energy over their entire lifecycle and can charge from zero-carbon sources. Just how much greener electric cars can be in operation depends on how much renewable electricity is used in local grids.

🔋 With the banning of disposing of EV batteries to landfill in the UK and thanks to initiatives like the government’s Faraday Battery Challenge, there is now an aim of increasing recyclability of an EV battery to 95% by 2035. This will ensure that more of the specific minerals, such as lithium, can be extracted and repurposed. Giving you even more reason to make the switch to electric

These are just some of the many reasons why EVs are paving the way for a greener future. So, let's drown out the noise and embrace the truth: electric is the future, and together, we're driving towards a cleaner, healthier world.